SurfMate is a digital terrain modelling and earthworks design solution giving the designer many enhanced features for use in Digital Terrain Modelling and Earthworks design completely integrated with AutoCAD.
TECHNoCAD have put great effort into packing as many useful options as possible into the software to make it the most valuable add-on to AutoCAD available to the DTM modeller today.
SurfMate has taken the lead in DTM software running in the World’s No.1 CAD package - AutoCAD. With its lightning speed with surfaces of unlimited numbers of points and multiple surfaces in memory, SurfMate is used by mappers, surveyors, engineers, geologists and environmentalists world-wide.
SurfMate is seamlessly integrated with AutoCAD. By utilising the same menu interface in AutoCAD for all design products reduces the learning curve when it comes to executing designs and linking DTM modelling with civil engineering type design. All software programs can be interlinked using AutoCAD as the common graphics engine with no transfers to external programs.
SurfMate generates contours or surface meshes for topography starting from x, y, z files, digital elevation models or extracted drawing entities, such as spot elevations or contour polylines. 3D breaklines defining elements such as building pad perimeters, roads or geologic faults may optionally be used. Contours may be based on a TIN, grid or triangulated grid.